
B2C / Mobile application

“We want our guests to enjoy their stay to the fullest and feel cared all times no matter where they go"

Bahía Príncipe hotel


There are hotels of extensive dimensions that offer guests to enjoy different forms of entertainment depending on each profile. They can move from one place to another with internal transportation and enjoy the wide variety of options offered by hotels.

Users would even like to not have to worry about having on hands those little accessories and snacks that complement their comfort, at the time and place they want.


  • Attention at all times

    Stay available to the customer at all times.

  • Indistinct location

    Ask for what you want no matter where you are.

  • Checkout payments

    To be able to enjoy without worrying about the accounts.

Proposed Solution

Starting from a parcel system with drones inside the hotels, generate a mobile application that allows hotel customers to request all kinds of accessories to the place they are, without having to move or look for someone from the hotel staff.


Hotel guests over 18 years old who have the mobile application installed on their smartphone


Meet Karla

31 years - Interior designer
Use of mobile applications: intermediate level

Karla is very funny and ambitious, she has great expectations and plans for her professional career; time is not enough to do everything she wants.

When she goes on vacation she prefers to relax, get away from the hustle and adventure and not have to worry about absolutely nothing, just enjoy.


Meet Ernesto

36 years - Mechatronic Engineer - Married - Father
Use of mobile applications: advanced level

Ernesto is a conservative and very familiar person, however his work requires him to travel constantly, so he tries to enjoy his family as much as possible.

He loves family vacations and enjoy his daughters.


Meet Juan

40 years - Degree in Law
Use of mobile applications: basic level

Juan is a furniture merchant, he enjoys managing his company creating practical, useful and resistant spaces. Juan enjoys going out to rest with his wife whenever he has a chance and enjoys seeing landscapes and swimming.

System flow

From a benchmark study of different applications to make orders such as Rappi, Uber Eats and several sessions of understanding the whole process with the project manager and development team, I elaborated a flow that shows all the alternatives of use to place an order.
I took into account the drone statements very much to keep track of everything that happens after a user submits the request for an order. This analysis was also very useful for clarity of the components to be developed in the MVP phase.

Ximbal Pack


Starting from the benchmark and the final flow and the general sketches that I drew, I got a very complete prototype to make my first tests with users.

Although most of the interface could be used with great fluidity and intuitively by the users, the findings were very valuable details, which successfully related all the options that had to do with the drones, as:

  • The selection of the destination tower
  • The release of the package when the drone is already in tower
  • The understanding of emergency stoppages


Finally I reached the stage of visual magic, adding styles of colors, typographies, dimensions and images; all this based on the identity and logo already defined by the business area.

The second stage of usability tests showed only visual adjustments and changes of iconography related to the flight of the drones and delivery of the package of which there was no absolute clarity for all the users.



Innovation was fundamental to be able to propose different solution scenarios. A system with drones is definitely new in Mexico, so I had the opportunity to explore, analyze and study a variety of alternatives. An exciting challenge for my creativity.


Thanks to the participation of many people to arrive at a solid and viable solution in all the senses, always enriching ourselves and learning from each other until we got to speak in the same language.

This project is complemented with Ximbal Pack B2B