
B2B / Web solution

“We want our guests to enjoy their stay to the fullest and feel cared all the time no matter where they go"

Bahía Príncipe hotel


There are hotels of extensive dimensions that offer guests the best in different forms of entertainment depending on each client. They can move from one place to another with internal transportation and enjoy the wide variety of options offered by hotels.

Users would even like to not have to worry about having on hand those little accessories and snacks that complement their comfort, at the time and place they want.


  • Attention at all times

    Stay available to the customer at all times.

  • Location indistinct

    Ask for what you want no matter where you are.

  • Checkout payments

    To be able to enjoy without worrying about the accounts.

Solution proposed

Starting from a parcel system with drones inside the hotels, generate a web solution that allows the hotel's trained staff to manage orders that users make through their cell phone app.


Administrators and operators of the system


Meet Esteban

27 years - IT technician
Use of digital tools: advanced level

A very observant and curious young man who loves to investigate about how things work, he even knows how to fix and maintain all kinds of appliances.


Meet Ignacio

40 years - Administration Technician
Use of digital tools: basic level

Ignacio is a very quiet man who likes to do routine activities, he likes to accommodate and manage inventory in stores.


Meet Montse

35 years - Industrial engineering
Use of digital tools: intermediate level

Montse is a very organized, responsible and honest girl. She really likes to keep track of her expenses and always manages resources very well.


From several sessions of understanding with clients and a lot of analysis work with mechatronic engineers, industrial designers and developers, I generated a video to understand in general terms the direct interaction that operators and end users will have with the drone.

System flow

From several sessions of understanding the whole process with the project manager and development, I elaborated a flow that shows all the states of the drone and the actions that can take both operators and end users in each one, all this starting from a web solution. I also took into account all the possible states in the delivery and the best actions to take with the drone from each state.
For the clients this material was very valuable since it gave them more clarity of the step by step and the details of each phase. This analysis was also very useful for clarity of the components to be developed in the MVP.

Ximbal Pack


Starting from the flows and brainstorming in several versions of sketches, I managed to obtain a first version of delivery both for development and for users tests.
In this stage several details of functionality were found in the solution:

  • A new component was proposed for emergency stoppage to avoid risks of loss in drones and above all to safeguard users.
  • Significant improvements to the solution in drones and tower administration sections.
  • Improvement in details of the product inventory module.


Finally I reached the stage of visual magic, adding styles of colors, typographies, dimensions and images; all this based on the identity and logo already defined by the business area.

The usability tests in this stage helped to improve part of the chromatic indicators, disposition of elements that came to confuse and above all, understanding of emergency stoppage.



In order to be able to support the solution proposals and ensure the best course for the project, I researched from professionals in the flight of drones, types of drones, weaknesses, limitations and strengths of a drone and even interviewing people who are dedicated to a distribution products like DHL and Best Buy.
This was a major challenge to strengthen my analytical skills.

Frustration management

Since this project was started practically from 0, by not having a point of reference from other existing companies, the proposed solutions were totally new and presented again and again with different specialists, the project changed a lot through the sessions, interviews and tests from the beginning to its final concept.

This project is complemented with Ximbal Pack B2C